The most frequently asked questions and their answers regarding you as an Adecco Associate

Employee Handbook

What is temporary employment?

Fulfilling a contract with a Temporary Work Agency, you physically are on the User Enterprise’s premises while working but your legal and social relationships – your employment contract, salary, health and social insurance, etc.- remain with the Agency. You enter into an employment contract with us but perform your duties under the guidance and control of the User Enterprise. Your appointment is for a limited period, so it is defined as a temporary appointment.

Does the temporary appointment somehow limit my rights as an employee?

Employees who have been sent at a User Enterprise to perform a temporary job may not be put in a less favourable position only due to the temporary nature of their work. They have all the rights under the Labour Code including the same basic conditions of work and employment and equal treatment as to the rest of employees employed there.

Which company - the Temporary Work Agency or the User Enterprise - is obliged to pay my remuneration?

In our capacity as a Temporary Work Agency we pay the employees sent at the User Enterprises. They are bound to receive their remuneration no matter to which exactly User Enterprise they have been sent to work.

Which company - the Temporary Work Agency or the User Enterprise - is obliged to calculate the time I spent working?

The User Enterprise. It shall determine the amount of the primary and supplementary remuneration due, as well as record the hours worked including overtime and night work. In a timely manner, the User Enterprise is obliged to inform the Temporary Work Agency thereof.

Which company - the Temporary Work Agency or the User Enterprise - is obliged to deliver my job description?

It is mandatory for the User Enterprise to deliver the job description to the employee.

What type of training I shall receive?

The User Enterprise shall provide initial and continuous training in accordance with the position held and the nature of work in the User Enterprise. It is obliged to instruct the employee on safe and healthy work performance as well as to insure him/her at its own expense under the terms and following the procedure of Art. 52 of the Healthy and Safe Working Conditions Act.

What is the procedure for taking paid leave?

The annual paid leave shall be used upon written permission of the Temporary Work Agency in close liaison with the User Enterprise.

How many days paid leave I am entitled to take?

Your entitlement shall be calculated in proportion to the time recognized as a length of service based mostly on the minimum duration of the regular annual paid leave – 20 working days.

How do I request paid/unpaid leave?

The employee is supposed to fill in a request form. After obtaining approval from the user enterprise, she/he is expected to submit the form to our HR Specialists within 2 working days before the start date of the leave.

What should I do in case of absence due to sick leave?

The employee is obliged to immediately inform the user enterprise about the type and duration of the leave authorized by the health authorities, as well as to provide our HR Specialists with the sick leave note, within 2 working days after its issuance.

How do I request a certificate that states certain facts about the employment relationship?

The employee submits electronically a written request stating what type, with what content and for what purpose the required certificate should be issued. Within 5 working days after the submission of the request, our HR Specialists is expected to issue the document.

What is the procedure for secondment?

Business trips are based on a previously issued written order. The employee provides our HR Specialists, within 5 working days before the start date of the secondment and after obtaining approval from the user enterprise, with a form completed according to a sample (business trip order). The sample contains the following items:

  •  the place of secondment
  •  the task for which the person is seconded
  •  the duration of the business trip
  •  the amounts to which the employee is entitled
  •  the way of traveling
  •  the type of the report on the work performed.

What is the procedure for reporting the operating costs?

Operating expenses are reported not later than the 5th working day of the month following the month to which they relate. The employee provides our HR Specialists, after obtaining approval from the user enterprise, with a form completed according to a sample (expense report) and supplemented by accounting documents proving the costs incurred (invoices, receipts, etc.).

What are the grounds for termination of the temporary appointment?

The employee who works under an employment contract with a Temporary Work Agency and concludes an employment agreement with another employer which is not a Temporary Work Agency may terminate his/her employment contract without giving a notice. In other cases, the general provisions of the Labour Code apply.

What I should do if my remuneration is calculated incorrectly?

You have the right to make claims, for instance for incorrectly calculated working hours or unreasonable deductions. Respond immediately and rely on our HR Specialists.

If you have questions or need any support, contact us

Adecco’s HR Specialists are here to assist you any time. Contact our team:

or seek assistance calling on our mobiles every working Tuesday and Friday, within the period between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.

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