Aging - New Ways to Equip the Old
Inovantage talks about the much debated Ageing Demographics – in the context of our usual big three – employment, education and the economy.
With 19.2 % of the population in Europe already above 65, declining fertility which in turn results reducing population size, there is no time better than the present to discuss how we address a shortage of skills (Inovantage dates June 2018) in lieu of the demographic shift.
We have distilled our findings into 4 key pillars which we will debate over the three chapters of the report.
• Staffing & Employment – Flexibility with a focus on improving Employability
• Education & Skilling – Cross-institutional Life-Long Learning
• Financial Autonomy – Encouraging Entrepreneurship & Investments in an older Consumer Market
• Social Welfare Policy – Advanced Social Protection systems & Subsidized Care-giving
Inovantage explores in depth over three chapters ageing in context to the economy, youth employment and automation.
Read the full report here”Demographics projections, usually more reliable than any other long-term forecasts about countries, are objective and ruthless. Slovenia, the CEE region and Europe in general have to take demographic shifts very seriously. Countries, organizations and individuals have to start visualizing the effects of these shifts on their own viability, understand and internalize them, and finally, act upon them. The report is helpful in raising awareness about the issue and pointing out that we need to change the way how we think about age, work, careers and learning to make progress. If we are not successful in the traditional way in which demographics issues can be resolved, we’d better find some innovative solutions. The report by Adecco is already taking steps in this direction.
Professor Robert Kaše, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics